Learn More about how to bring Santa Claus
in person to your event, your business, or even your home.
Santa Bob is a professional , naturally bearded Santa
in the Huntsville and North Alabama area.
Check out the photos and videos page for samples of how Santa Bob can make your Christmas cards one of a kind, or even help advertise your holiday happening.
Please browse through the site to find out more about how magical and wonderful it can be to have Santa at your holiday event.
Thank you for being a great Santa for our kids at our party. The kids really enjoyed it.
Thanks so much for a great evening! All of the kids were amazed. Thanks again we hope we can do it again next year.
Thank you so much for participating in our event! You are The Best Santa! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Santa Bob Boyer has some amazing stories to tell including the miracle of receiving a heart transplant. Find out more by ordering a copy of one of his wonderful books here.